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Highly Qualified and Experienced Faculty
Without any doubt, it is the members of faculty who cultivate outstanding students. Drawn from the reputed universities of Taiwan and abroad, the highly qualified and experienced faculty is the greatest asset of the Asia University. Faculty team includes outstanding educators and researchers from both the academic and industry sectors, contributing towards the overall professional and personal growth of the students. Students can learn artificial intelligence in theory and practice.
Featured Curriculum with full spectrum of artificial intelligence theory and practice
Plenty of high-end software and GPU based hardware environment dedicated for artificial intelligence education and research
Strong cross-disciplinary education and research environment
Asia university hospital, our allied China Medical University Hospital Group, and the nearby National Smart Machinery and Smart Manufacturing Industrial Zone offer us a great opportunity for cross-disciplinary education and research in several different areas.
Strong international engagement
Our faculty actively communicate with the scholars from all over the world and participate in all academic activity such as journal editing and conference organization. We also host several international conferences every year.